Robert Stevenson

We deserve Supervisors who treat residents with respect. We deserve Supervisors who listen to residents’ concerns. We deserve Supervisors who want true representative government.

Robert Stevenson
Robert Stevenson

I am an 11-year resident of East Pikeland. I live in a farmhouse with a dwarf bunny named Nutmeg and two Nigerian dwarf goats named Patches and Tiny. We love our home and we love East Pikeland.

I’m an accountant. I am the managing partner at Kimmel, Lorah & Associates, LLP in Audubon. I have spent my entire working career there. The firm has represented municipalities for more than 75 years. I have performed many municipal audits and have extensive experience with local government finances.

In my spare time, you’ll find me taking care of our property or maybe out racing a sports car.

For the last five years, I’ve been part of a group of residents who have watched the Board of Supervisors try to force two projects into our neighborhood. These projects were not proposed by developers. These are Township-led or condoned projects. Both will harm the environment and damage our community.

That experience motivated me to run for the Board of Supervisors. We deserve better. We deserve true representative government.

I hope you will vote for me. You can do that by mail or at the polls on November 7.

11-Year East Pikeland Resident

Managing Partner of Accounting Firm

Extensive Government Experience

Environmental Advocate